Friday, December 2, 2011

Kelsey's Take on Scuttle


Today I thought it would be interesting if I, Kelsey, wrote for my mom. With her busy schedule I know it's hard for her to sit down and update the blog. So, today I offered to write a post about Scuttle. In light of recent improvements I thought it would be cool to take a walk down memory lane.

I remember how it felt waiting for our name to be called to go and pick out our new family member. It's something that I can only describe as nervous excitement. Before the raffle actually began we were given the chance to look at picture and read brief health information about them. We already had two dogs we wanted to look at. A few minutes before the raffle actually began I took one last look at t he dogs. One sad face caught my attention. I asked mom to put Butterscotch on the list. She was the last we picked and the first one we saw. It was love at first site.

My Mema always told us that the dog that picks you is the one. When Scuttle (aka Butterscotch) came into the room she laid down right in front of us. I interpreted this as her saying, I pick you. So far she has thrived in our home. Sure there were struggles along the way but watching her blossom from being scared and unsure into a spunky amazing dog has been totally worth it.

She likes watching me clean the kitchen and is always the first to greet me when I get out of bed. Her little butt wiggles and her ears go back, you can't help but croon and get her a good morning pat. She has grown curious of strangers and greets them in a calm, slightly shy, manner. Just this morning we had a guest and she walked right out of the living room and into the entry way! This is a huge improvement!

Her routes around the house have grown into where she enters and exits the kitchen through both of the exits. She walks behind the couch and almost entered the hall for the first time today. She has grown tolerant of our cat, Mango, though I can't say the same for him.

I can't believe that we have been blessed with such an amazing dog! We got lucky with Sailor, our golden, and I always thought that he was the only dog for our family. Scuttle has proved me wrong. I love her to bits and can't wait for the many amazing years to come.

Signing off,
