Okay, so I might be exaggerating just a bit! While Scuttle seems to be getting more and more comfortable in the house, she now seems to want to attack everything! She hasn't bitten anything or anyone, but man, she can be pretty intimidating. We are remaining calm and not showing excitement in her fearfulness but rather taking a calm approach and trying to introduce her to the things she seems to be fearful of. I had to leash her up this morning and take her to the item she was growling and barking at. It took her a minute but she finally seemed to be okay with it and didn't bark at it again. Yesterday I juiced and the juicer, which is pretty loud, scared her and she barked at it. I just kept juicing and eventually she stopped but then started getting all excited, in a bad way, about me stirring it in my jar because of the noise it made. I just kept stirring it and making noise on purpose and each time she would come and look at it, sniff it, and walk away. I did it over and over and she eventually got to where she was okay with it. Soooooo...we'll keep trying to introduce her to the things that keep scaring her in hopes that she'll eventually calm down!
She is doing really well at night! I can't say the same for me though :) I'm not used to the snoring and she seems to LOVE to sleep by my side of the bed. All night. All kidding aside, I am very happy that she doesn't pace back and forth anymore. She pretty much lays right down and goes to sleep and stays there until the hubby wakes up to get ready for work. Most of the time she won't settle after he leaves and I get up at that point. However, on Monday, she went back to sleep...sweet sleep!
More to come soon! I'm going to work on her fearfulness for the next couple of days and hopefully have a good update!
I had to get used to the snoring too, but now I love it! I actually miss Bubba's snorts when we go out of town :)